Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ostentatious Overratedness

Some things in life do not deserve half as much attention as they get. My opinion however, deserves attention. Everything I say demands attention from every animal byproduct and Gucci lover in the world. If you are not in either of those categories, please write a detailed email about the inequality and injustice of your social state to my secretary, who will from now on be called Gertrude.
As I was saying, some things are just so ludicrous that no one should ever recommend them to any acquaintance of any sort unless they want that acquaintance to suffer from a long, painful death. Sorry to plague your electronic device with so much Julian Smith, but this video just fit so much into the category of "ludicrous," that I just had to share it.

Though this video appears to be insulting Google, it is not. Google is the single most valuable website in progression of the Universe. If you have never heard of Google, you must be some monkey by the name of Clyde, or some man who suffers from Bananaphobia.

In the end, every male, female, and parrot will have played some part in the success of Google, Julian Smith, and myself, Emerald Avalanche.

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