Thursday, May 3, 2012

Shocking Stalkers

Have you ever felt like you were being followed?

I have. It was when I was thirteen and I went out for ice cream with my best friend and her little sister. We were having a perfectly happy, uneventful time eating ice cream. But when we started walking the two miles home, we had the feeling that we were being followed. We turned around, and sure enough, this old Mexican guy who was wearing pink bell-bottoms, a jean jacket, and a cowboy hat. And let me tell you, the combination was pretty intimidation.True story. My friend even snapped a picture, because we knew that someday we would be telling the story and no one would believe us. Well, here's my proof.

It's a little bit blurry because it was taken on a phone, but at least it's proof. Anyways, so this guy followed us for two miles, and he managed to catch up to us at one point and when he did, he reached out and touched my curly blonde hair and said with a wretched smile on his face, "hey, beautiful." Needless to say, we ran for our lives. And we hid in my friend's house. Forever. 

So tell me your shocking stalker stories.
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